Rabia Emine DAĞTEKİN-What Promotes The Efficient Learning?
Learning is the most important issue in education. Therefore, teachers are deeply concerned with this phenomena and they do not know what exactly promotes the learning. There are a lot of things affecting the learning environment in class. Some of them will be discussed below.
Firstly, students should participate actively in lessons in order to learning takes place. Hence, teachers should prepare their lesson plans in a logical sequence with an attractive content. While doing this teachers take into consideration learning theories which are behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism because they provide means for achieving desired results in learning process and they provide structured foundation for planning. Also, by the help of these theories teachers should present the content in a simple manner to activate students in lessons because when students start to be interested in subject, they want to learn it. Questioning is an another tool for the efficient learning. By this way, students participate more actively in lessons and they find a way to express their own ideas.
Moreover, communication between students and the teacher is also a critical point in learning. With the help of feedback teachers enhance the communication in class and learning takes place very efficiently because misconceptions or wrong ideas about the subject are improved by the teacher. And criticism is another branch of communication in class. Yet, while teachers are assessing or criticizing the performance of the students, they should pay attention to some key points. There are two kinds of criticism as negative and positive. Both should be constructive in order to improve the performance of the students. For example, instead of saying “your homework is not okay” teachers should say “your homework is not okay because it is not related to subject”.
In addition, students should be given time and a chance to perform what they learnt in a flexible way because exam is not only way of determining the performance of students. Also, such performances may be evaluated by the other students because students learn more from their peers.
Technology can be regarded as another tool to promote efficient learning. Videos, power point presentations and games can be used in classrooms. But, they should be related to subject and not distract the students. Also, teachers should not be dependent on the technology so much. They should implement technology in education to promote learning and fun at the same time.
As can be seen there are a lot of ways to promote efficient learning. The key point is that firstly teachers determine their intent clearly and then they apply suitable solutions.
Rabia Emine DAĞTEKİN
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